Prawn Laksa Noodles
Prep time 15 minutes
Cooking time 10 minutes
Total time 25 minutes
Serves 2
Difficulty Easy
Serving Suggestion
- 2 Pkts Trident Laksa Instant Noodles
- 3 Cloves Garlic, diced
- 1/2 tbsp Ginger, diced
- 16 raw Prawns, peeled
- 2 tbsp Fish Sauce
- 1 Shallot & Coriander
- 3/4 Cup Trident Coconut Cream
- 250ml Broth of choice
- 1 Lime, Juiced
Step 1 - Soak the Trident instant noodles in boiling water for 3min, drain and set aside
Step 2 - In a large pan heat some oil, add the garlic & ginger to the pan until fragrant
Step 3 - Add prawns and cook until they change colour
Step 4 - Add the broth, coconut cream & flavour sachets from the noodles
Step 5 - When the broth in simmering add the cooked noodles and coat with the broth
Step 6 - To serve, portion into bowls & Enjoy

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